Monday, June 18, 2007

Step 1: Basic Greeting

Kreesh, na ma'al.

The most basic concept known to man(polite man anyways): Greetings, how are you?

Break Down

Kreesh: A basic, neutral greeting. I think the closest translation of this concept would be the British "Cheers." It's a greeting, a toast, a goodbye. But, it can be used similar to "Hey" in that it can be used to get the attention of someone. For example, "Kreesh! Don't touch that!"

Na: You. And, despite the common tendancy in non-English languages to have differing forms of "you" depending on the relative rank or relation of the other, I think for now we'll settle with the single word for the concept of "the other I am directly addressing."

Ma: feelings, temperament, state. This concept may be expanded upon later if the need arises.

'al: What, in questioning context. From my basic study of the language, in Japanese to indicate a statement is actually a question you end it with "ka". My memory may be off about that. This is similar. When you want to ask someone what something is, you add on 'al. So in the context of the sentance above ma'al means literally "state what" or conversationally "what is the state of."


Kreesh: the double "e" indicates a strong "e" sound as is found in the words pea or free.
Na: a long "a" sound as is found in the words water or ma.
Ma'al: both "a"s have a long "a" sound. So "ma" is pronounced as you would the English slang term Ma for mother. It should be noted that the presence of an apostrophe indicates a verbal stop and restart. As a whole Ma'al should be pronounced: Ma all.


Literal: Greeting, you feeling what?
Conversational: Hello, what are you feeling?
Concept: Hello, how are you?


Since I'm introducing the concept of 'al as the questioning what, I thought it would behoove me to expand upon this a little with similar concepts.

'en: Why, in questioning context. Pronounced like the letter N.
'or: How, in questioning context. Pronounced like the or as in either/or.
'an: When, in questioning context. Pronounced with a long a.
're: Where, in questioning context. Pronouced in the Japanese style.

"Who" will probably not follow this convention.

Na ma'al: What (are) you feeling?
Na ma'en: Why (are) you feeling (like this)?
Na ma'or: How (are) you feeling (what you are feeling)?
Na ma'an: When (did) you (experience this) feeling?
Na ma're: Where (are) you (experiencing this) feeling?

The last example, for where, is a bit of a misleading one as you would never ask someone, say in response to them saying they are happy, where they are feeling happy. It would be a very strange conversation to have:

1: Kreesh! [Hello!]
2: Kreesh! Na ma'al? [Hello! how are you?]
1: [happy]
2: Na ma're? [Where are you happy?]
1: [In my heart]

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